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BPI Written Exam - Section 1 Building Science Fundamentals20. Understand Input & Output Capacity
Review of efficiency: definition is output over input. This section is not related to efficiency defined by out over in. This section is input and output capacity which are common HVAC terms related to the efficiency but are used for practical and installation purposes.
Quick Review:
Input CapacityHVAC Contractors sell units and the model numbers found on furnace units reference a furnace's input capacity. The BTU rating found on the name plate of every furnace tells us how much fuel energy is consumed for every hour of operation.
Output CapacityFurnace units are sized by output capacity and AFUE ratings. This refers to the amount of the usable heating or cooling the unit provides to a home. If a furnace was 100% efficient, the input and output capacity would be the same.
We can find the output capacity with the input capacity and the AFUE by the method below:
The lower the AFUE or efficiency rating of a unit, the lower the output capacity will be. Next Section
1b. Principals of energy, air & moisture
1c. Combustion science
The main topics of the BPI BA exam are listed out below. Click on a link that interests you, or you need some brushing up on to learn more on each subject.
1. Building Science Fundamentals 1a. Basic terms and definitions 1b. Principals of energy, air & moisture 1c. Combustion science 2. Buildings and Their Systems 2a. Building components 2b. Conservation strategies 2c. Comprehensive building assessment process 2d. Design considerations 3. Measurement and Verification of Building Performance 3a. Applied diagnostics and troubleshooting 4. BPI National Standards and Project Specifications 4a. Comprehensive building assessment 5. Analyzing Buildings Systems 5a. Comprehensive building assessment 5b. Appliances and lighting 6. Conduct and communications 6a. Conservation strategies |